Paxos Festival

Danae Papamattheou – Matschke

Born in Athens, she takes her first violin lessons in her hometown, followed by studies at the “Musikgymnasium Schloss Belvedere” in Weimar with Jost Witter, the Mozarteum University Salzburg with Igor Ozim and the University of Music and Theatre in Hamburg with Tanja Becker – Bender, all completed with the highest distinctions. Currently she is completing her PhD studies at the Macedonian University, Thessaloniki and assistant teacher in the Hamburg Higher School of Music and Drama.
At the age of 11, she makes her debut in Greek music festivals, soon followed by concerts in German cities with enthusiastic press reviews.She has given recitals in Germany, USA, China, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden and Cyprus and has worked as a soloist with a variety of symphony orchestras, such as the Athens and Thessaloniki State Orchestras, the Greek Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Orchestra of the Association of Friends of Music “Camerata”, the Mendelssohn Chamber Orchestra Leipzig, the Thüringer Philharmonie a.o.
As a soloist and enthusiastic chamber musician, she regularly appears at international music festivals such as the Mecklenburg-Vorpommern Festival, the International Mendelssohn Festival Hamburg, the Pharos International Music Festival, the Samos Young Artists Festival and the Molyvos International Music Festival as well as at the large music centres such as Gewandhaus Leipzig, the Elbphilharmonie and Laeiszhalle Hamburg, the Beijing National Performing Arts Centre and the concert halls of Athens and Thessaloniki.
International master classes with Igor Ozim, Ana Chumachenko, Zakhar Bron, Donald Weilerstein, Vanya Milanova, Boris Garlitsky, Tanja Becker – Bender, Christiane Hutcap and the Szymanowski Quartet gave her special artistic impulses.
Danae Papamattheou – Matschke is the 1st prize-winner in numerous national and international competitions such as the International Violin Competition “Andrea Postacchini” (IT), “Henri Marteau”, “Jugend musiziert” (DE), the International Competition for Young Soloists “Ersi Saratsi” and the “Panhellenic Violin Competition” (GR). In addition, she won special prizes for the best interpretation of a virtuoso work at the international “Henri Marteau” violin competition and for the best interpretation of a contemporary work at the International “Szymon Goldberg Award” (DE).Two CD productions present recordings of works by J. S. Bach, L. v. Beethoven, E. Bloch, C. Franck, C. Debussy, M. Ravel and D. Terzakis (IRIDA Classical).
She was repeatedly honored with grants from international non-profit organizations for her outstanding achievements. She was a scholarship holder of the Association of Music Friends Athens, the “Alexandros S. Onassis Foundation”, the “Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben”, the “Hermann and Milena Ebel Foundation” and the “Berenberg Bank Foundation”.
She is also particularly interested in chamber music. Since 2018 she is leading violinist of the “Nichiteanu Trio” and regularly performs in Germany and abroad.
Danae Papamattheou-Matschke plays on a violin made by Carlo Ferdinando Landolfi, Milan 1760.