Paxos Festival

Kyron Bourke

Kyron Bourke, born into a famous theatrical family in Dublin and cousin of the Irish writer, Brendan Behan, is a man of many parts. Having worked and toured with well-known Irish musicians including the folk singer and song-writer Christie Hennessy, the jazz and blues guitaristRonnie Greer, Eurovision winner Paul Harrington and the rock band,Hothouse Flowers, Kyron became a full-time musician when he signed to Polygram Records.

His CDs include SAVED (1996);NEW EYES, 2002; IF WE WERE KINGS (2009); MY DIRTY ROAD (2015);NO EXPLANATION, coinciding with the award-winning musical film of the same name; NO CITATION – songs from Kyron’s play of the same name.

Kyronhas worked extensively in theatre, playing leading roles, composing music and working as musical director. He has also written stage plays and drama for radio, appeared as an actor on radio and television and performed in the award-winning documentary film, An BuachaillGealgháireach/ The Laughing Boy. Kyron is the Music Curator at the much-loved Bert’s Jazz Bar in Belfast.