Paxos Festival

Margarita Pournara

Margarita Pournara was born in Athens. She studied French language and literature in Athens and completed her postgraduate studies in Communications Policy in the UK. In 2019 she conducted a research in Queens College in New York after she received a Fulbright Foundation scholarship. She started working as a journalist since 1994. Since 1999 she became a permanent member of the cultural department of Kathimerini newspaper. Since 2017 she has a permanent column in the same newspaper. She specializes lately in interviewing people in front of a live audience in venues like Ianos bookstore or as part of a series of special cultural events organized by The Bank of Greece.

In 2020 the album “Santorini – Images of another era” was published. This special publication presents photographs by Robert A. McCabe depicting rare images of old Santorini highlighting the purity of human relations at the time on this unique island, while M.Pournara’s texts unravel her personal family memories of living in Santorini. She also describes the way of life of the locals at the time, their main professions, geological information on Santorini, focusing on its volcano through an interview of Evi Nomikou.

In 2022 Margarita Pournara wrote the book “Adrias- they were all heroes”, an impressive biography of the legendary destroyer and of its crew. The book was published by Non Profit Association “Kyklopse”.