Paxos Festival

Sotiris Louizos

Sotiris Louizos was born in Corfu, where he started studying the piano at the Corfu Conservatory. He continued his studies at the Conservatory of Northern Greece with prof. Milena Mollova, from where he graduated with honors and a 1st prize.

He received a scholarship by the “Kosmos in Harmony” foundation of Madrid, chaired by Princess Eirini and completed his studies at the Trinity College of Music in London with prof. Yonty Solomon. He also graduated from the Music Department of the Ionian University with professors Maria Koletti and Elena Mouzala. He attended numerous masterclasses and international seminars. He has won prizes and distinctions in international piano competitions, like the “Felix Mendelssohn –Bartholdy” and “Gina Bachauer” competitions and he has received scholarships from the Foundation of Pavlos and Alexandra Kanellopoulos, the International Music Association “Gina Bachauer” and from Trinity College.

He has performed in many concerts as part of an orchestra and as a soloist in Greece and abroad. He performed in honor of Gina Bachauer, invited by the 15th Nafplion Festival. He was soloist at the Chapel of the Old Royal Naval College in London with works by German composer, Robert Schumann, to commemorate the 150 years from the composer’s death as well as at the Thessaloniki Megaron of Music on the same occasion. He performed with ‘Orchestra de Extremadura’ of Spain under conductor, Jesus Amigo performing the concerto no 21KV 467 by W.A.Mozart.

He has also performed as a solo artist with the Kamerata under conductor Yang Yang in the Athens Megaron and with the Royal Orchestra of Denmark in the Apollon Theater of Syros (Cyclades Festival). He performed at the Theocharakis Foundation venue to honor the last works by Frederic Chopin.

He has received the prize of Best New Artist of the Year during a special ceremony at the Athens Megaron by the Gina Bachauer Music Association.