Paxos Festival


Violin and Piano Recital

Danae Papamattheou –Matschke, violin

Uwe Matschke, piano

What happens with people who decide to leave their home land and how can that be depicted in music creation? Could composers like Yannis Konstadinidis, originating from Asia Minor, Croatian Boris Papandopulo, of Greek origins and French composer Edouard Lalo of Spanish origins have anything in common?

International Duo of daughter, Danae Papamattheou – Matschke and father, Uwe Matschke take us in a charming music trip through works by composers, who lived and created away from their native land, who were shaped by cultural movements of their time and were inspired by their host countries. Our audience will follow the two musicians over a musical bridge between national routes and varied cultural paths.